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1 - Two people are active here.
2 - One is male; One is female.
3- We are more than a couple. We are poly.
The wife's other partner lives at home with us.
So there is a He, a She and a sHe that was once a He.

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My Favorite Escape
Posted:Jan 26, 2022 12:03 pm
Last Updated:Jan 27, 2022 8:14 am

Years ago, I wrote of my favorite escape. I wrote about it as if it was real. It was "THE PLACE" of my dreams. This place grew a life of it's own and became a place of maaaany peoples dreams. I even had this person write me from Kansas and that was wild. You see I described his property a T. was so awesome connect with him and see my fantasy in real life. We even had a good friendship for sometime. He actually had a leather craftsman make me my first leather whip. The heaviest, longest, whip I own.

I don't know what it is about my toy collection. I swear just holding them and sifting the leather through my hands, I'm wet. Is that normal? Giggles

Especially the heaviness. I love heavy things. Think it's the PTSD part of me. Heaven is being weighted down. It brings such comfort. I like spaces . Hell I'm turning my house into a House. My bff is the opposite -- she needs big empty space or she feels suffocated. ( She was part of a threesome of friends -- all with our own horror/bonding together to survive it. ) We had to let go of one -- but we keep hoping she'll find her way back. Jenny.

Yet this post was about: "The Farm". It started because I was doing a seminar with a Doctor has sense passed. He gave seminars on the unconscious mind. I found utterly fascinating and healing. Yet he did this project where you needed visualize your dreams and in seeing them -- your subconscious would make them happen. Seeing this goal -- things in every day light would light up like steps take that would get you make this dream, REALITY.

So I started writing about the Farm. I'd share them all if they weren't lost due a crash or dead computer or possible error deleteing a profile.. I once tried rewrite and start over just making it reality. The Playhouse, versus The Farm. Things tend fizzle out if I'm the one enjoying, whatever. I need muses fuel me. Smiles. ( Its either that or I began the work of MAKING IT SO. )

The place was of my sexual fantasies. It became the place of a handful of my friends, fantasies. Including everyone living under my roof currently --- not my adult ( 27 ). I've even encouraged her spread her wings and fly by having a naked elderly submissive come clean my house. My fantasy world has pretty much become reality -- in the making. We are now at the point where 2 of the 3 elders are "we need a bigger place." ( Room grow, I guess. ) I'm the 1 -- thinking of all the work I did get close and the thought of starting over ---- cries.

The "home/farm" of my mind was basically an intentional community. Which is defined as: noun. a community designed and planned around a social ideal or collective values and interests, often involving shared resources and responsibilities.

It was a community or farm of a large polyamourous family basically. Some in relationships but all pretty much independent individuals. It was set up as a bed and breakfast TYPE of atmosphere. Where if you had curiousities you could come spend a week and try what you were willing try for vacation. had a visit but it basically focused on maintanance of the facility versus a profit. If you had you could afford you'd get a room at one of the guest houses. If you didn't much --- you could get a stall in the barn. were in between things -- again no ; was plenty of work be done earn your way . We had many slaves that never gave a dime but gave plenty of for is what they enjoyed and desired.

Sometimes the guests would get together and try new things without hosts. Priceless moments -- all based on ones comfort and wishes as agreed upon.

At this farm was permanent people that lived . Dominants. Submissives. THE HO is what my husband was called by a fan that wanted visit often. He was one of my first cyber subs I gave the of Kane . I raised him push my 'nails down the chalkboard' buttons to inspire the sadist in me. I trained him to be unruly and a bully. He loved calling Ed a HO. ( Home Owner ) Ed still cherishes the title to this day. was another pleasure cyber sub --- I called Able. ( Part of me is very religious: Grace ) They really clashed and was great fun. Nicholas was my Alfred ( if I was Batman ) . He's still around and I'm pretty sure is still his favorite escape. Miss u Nicky. My garden is always named after him.

were locals that would come often. Some vanilla -- some full of spice. Again --- COMMUNITY. I'm very vintage -- think House on the Prairie with it's neighbors. We'd events. We'd Tea Parties. ( Oh they loved the Taoist tea parties as much as we did, huh Biggs. ) Lemonade was always a big thing -- we sold many different kinds. A BDSM farm that was famous for making Lemonade out of Lemons. Lavendar Lemonade was a favorite. We'd sell things that the locals would make and teach. They'd just give a class and didn't need give us anything for the sales. Just a gathering thing for community. The vanillas would try and . If was from the household, all went into this intentional community. It's use was always discussed.


My favorite escape returned to me the other day. It's like with meeting a new friend - an addition was built on with the of my fingers. was something from home, I guess. ( My home state of Wisconsin. ) just immediately bloomed. Like many states -- we had the Amish. We'd go their store which was a room of the house and they always had something different. You couldn't go hoping for the thing -- never was guaranteed. Bread was a pretty constant thing though. Double Yolked Eggs. was always something wonderful.

And --- the farm suddenly had a professional kitchen/bakery. It had a Master of the kitchen ( oh did he knead my dough ) and my was still in the house. LAUGHS. She loves making cupcakes and cookies.. and she made herself a fixture in the kitchen and store. ( It wasn't Amish though -- was electricity. She's a gamer and were slow periods. Her dragging her games in was a nuisance. ) All three in this household decided was the Master of the kitchen fix that. We wished him luck.
1 comment
Winter -----------
Posted:Jan 25, 2022 12:46 pm
Last Updated:Jan 26, 2022 7:16 am
Oh Winter Wind
how you howl
and roar
and whisper
of cast iron stoves
and of the wood cabin
deep within the woods
planted when I was 3
and now I'm almost 50

I feel that cold on my skin
hear the snow compacting with every step
I remember hunting the hunter
on 20 acres of land

utilizing the old forts
the new...
signs my oldest brother still came
deer hunting.
Oh dear..

It's that phrase that got me to come out
The he brought along to sniff me out got hurt...
He didn't come, he knew I would.
To bad he didn't know his dog ------
His was within inches of me at least 5 times. Just saying ---

His was okay.
He was a sport -- he gave me five seconds to run...
"Big Man.. " I replied

oh hell I love being tackled.. what the heck..
I ran.. got half way to the goal I had
The cabin heat...
we compromised. I told him "HE WON".
he clearly didn't... I chose to render aid to the animal. knowing.
yet -- I'd give him what we bartered in our deal.
yet at the cabin --- versus there
in a foot of snow ------
it was what I brought him therefore anyhow..
and I devoured him -- as I wished to and how.
After I stood seeing that cabin door wide open... so I walked out
completely bare... into the snow... where my old tire swing once hung...
I hung no more --- my arms were out..
I was free.. and open to that winter wind
to soothe my molten lava within
from all that sex..
Fresh Breaths
I was reborn.
still 50% Norwegian
I love my Viking Blood.

( Photo from a different day when I was remembering the above. )
Exam Room
Posted:Jan 22, 2022 5:27 pm
Last Updated:Jan 25, 2022 10:56 am
I always wanted one. A lot of my fantasies would happen in one. I like to roleplay. I remember letting my thoughts wander one day about leading a secret life. About having one job and then another on selected nights.

It happened because I loved giving handjobs. I'm a big "touch" person. I thought how I'd love to do it for a living. I was daydreaming it was my second job and then it became my main job.

I remember even writing a blog post here on it way back when. I lived in Wisconsin back then. I remember receiving emails with offers, offers that contained money -- I was shocked. Back then I didn't have a partner as fun as the ones I have today. The hubby, now ex -- said no. ( Explains why he's an ex. Yeah. ) I wasn't interested in taking cash -- but yet loved the dirty of it.

So the exam room exists in this house.

File folders exist for new . ( There have been . Some even flew in. )

I even came up with a fun intake form where we talk about sex and sex history. It lets me know your interests and what therapies or sessions would be of interest for you to try. ( It's like my way of giving new friends tours. I see what interests them and excites them with their body language. )

There is a separation between us at all times. It's more the Doctor/Patient Dynamic. It's therapy. It's testing. Orgasm, testing? It's teasing. It's sometimes torture. It's adventure. It's seduction at it's finest sometimes. It's all contractual in nature. Yes, no, pass, go..

Change the patient and doctor around in your mind. A couple with a female therapist directing you. A female with female... The possibilities are endless. I know I have a fisting glove and there is this anal exam happening soon. ( Swoon? )

How I do love mapping bodies and finding buttons to push ------ yes. Oh yes.

Greek -- if you are reading this - you missed your last appointment, please reschedule. Smirk.
Yellow Brick Road
Posted:Jan 21, 2022 11:05 am
Last Updated:Jan 21, 2022 11:10 am
It started innocently enough. I was in my backyard on my porch swing. The day was warm but the breeze was refreshing. My toes barely touched the wooden floor every now and then. I was reading. I was swaying. I was reading again. And then-- I was writing. The words no longer processed in my brain. Reality - was the current story and my imagination was taking it several different avenues. Each whispering to my red sparkling feet ( red painted toes ) to follow the yellow brick road. I shifted my focus back to the words in the book. My mind showed me a part from Popeye The Movie; it was Bluto swimming away at the end with a yellow stripe down his back.

I giggled. I laughed. It was the different parts of myself expressing their views on what we should do as well as the one part giggling and the other part laughing. In unison; We are a myriad of water drops flowing together as one; "MsCellaneous". To many old souls in one body; haunted but alive.

A part of me speaks in only quotes, lyrics, movie clips, memories. She's somewhat of a mute. She also loves to mimic ( roleplay ). Then the Dominant likes to whisper and direct -- expressing herself through influencing the others -- the yellow brick road, the yellow stripe down Bluto's back -- she's taunting -- saying "Chicken!!" to her opposition. She's also the one that blurs the words in the book and writes excerpts of current events as she suggests what she suggests to get the interest of the majority to join in her exploit as They Clearly Are as they are expressing it in thoughts... the youth with the yellow brick road, the with the yellow stripe down the back. Popeye was a musical ---

Think of it. Duplicate yourself. Make one part Dominant and another submissive. Each knows every little dirty secret and there are no lies just hard truths. How well could buttons be pushed.. how easy would it be -- to always deny? ( Quite easily one says.. as another purrs over elevated emotions within the denial and another grins with the challenge -- full of FUCK, YES!-- fuccck no. it continues and flows. always. several voices as clear as a family in a room. )

Such tornados of emotions as I spin in it and then become still within the chaos of the eye of my storm - again attempting to focus on the words in my book. Graciously.

I should advise you that my main focus is always to the sides and behind me. My vision isn't my primary sense; My other senses are. If they didn't adapt the way they did, I'd not be here now. I'm always more comfortable seeing without my eyes. I'm also taken as rude for my eyes often dismiss you in conversation, although -- I'm as much a part of it as you are. I'll just focus elsewhere or look away.

I say that because now if you were to see me -- you'd see a person reading a book on a back porch swing. My attention is next door though. There are a few twenty somethings being twenty somethings. Boys. Men. Boys. Excuse the debate in my head. One turns me on more than I like to admit. He's not my type as I find myself locked on his body; his laugh; his hands; his smile; his wit; his personality. He arouses me and I hate that he does.

He makes me feel like I'm in high school to -- when he catches me looking at him and I am his elder!! I hate that. I wish he'd go save the whales!! or something. He's always doing something for some, cause.. or going on and on about the government. And then there's me trying to find peace while he's trying to wage wars. He drives me crazy. and yet. I've masturbated over thoughts of him... especially those hands. I lose thought, with his hands.

There have been several moments where I lost focus and just turned and walked away from him -- usually angrily and dismissive; I was embarrassed and aroused and frustrated because I was - I mean, what the fuck!!! I again told myself I should just move. Yet I like watching him... and daydreaming of doing things to him.. whatever I want to -- of frustrating him, how I am. With no relief. He is so delicious. ... BOYS! Boy? Did they all leave? nope. 2 are left.

I decided to go lay out in the sun since I wasn't getting any reading done. I grabbed my lemonade. I'll let the sun warm my skin and sink in as I'll let my thoughts tie him up and do what they will and as they want.... what? .. There's sexual talk between them. Awe they joked about me within it to. Great now I'm imagining him masturbating over me --- yes both of them masturbating over me is a much nicer though. I dismissed the thought of them actually masturbating above me.. I prefer them tortured and alone.

I found myself rolling over though. My jaw on the ground. I didn't move a muscle, scared they heard me roll over in shock. I knew they knew I was outside laying out. I just also knew they knew I had headphones on. ( It's why I ignored them when I heard them shouting over to me earlier ) The headphones just happened to be off my head now; still on, loud enough but not to loud. I could clearly hear them ----- and again. HOLY FUCK!!! I think they are fucking with me. It would be just like him to do that to --- butt that would mean he knew I had buttons he could push and I'm fairly convinced he thinks I don't like him.

I moved to try to view them through the wood planks in the privacy fence. There were bushes on his side so I couldn't see all of them nor could they see me. I could see small pieces of the puzzle though and it fit what I was hearing. One had said a blowjob would be good right about now. They were having beers earlier as they kicked an old hacky sack ball around. I knew they were still drinking, I heard a beer bottle getting set down on cement. That was when I heard my friendly neighbor say he always wondered what giving one would be like.. and a, if your serious -- have at it. And he was... and I was going to orgasm, without one touch. just. oh my Gooodness. Holy fuck.

The story was continuing in my mind as I saw a little of this and a little of that. If I could move, I'd definitely go around to the back to watch the full picture. I couldn't move though. I was restrained by those invisible restraints. I was frozen. As the Dominant was laying a yellow brick road and I had armies of flying monkeys at my bidding. As I painted him in a dress and lifted it and entered into his ass as he sucked that dick.... and I later painted his lips with lipstick.. and grew breasts on his chest --- he was never heard from again. He was blackmailed to follow me into my house and he never left -- she remained though. She could cook now and clean... stay tuned, for part deux. She was going to do, lots and lots of things.

It started innocently enough. I was in my backyard on my porch swing. The day was warm but the breeze was refreshing. My toes barely touched the wooden floor every now and then. I was reading. I was swaying. I was reading again. And then-- I was writing. The words no longer processed in my brain. Reality - was the current story and my imagination was taking it several different avenues. Each whispering to my red sparkling feet ( red painted toes ) to follow the yellow brick road. I shifted my focus back to the words in the book. My mind showed me a part from Popeye The Movie; it was Bluto swimming away at the end with a yellow stripe down his back.

I giggled. I laughed. It was the different parts of myself expressing their views on what we should do as well as the one part giggling and the other part laughing. In unison; We are a myriad of water drops flowing together as one; "MsCellaneous". To many old souls in one body; haunted but alive.

A part of me speaks in only quotes, lyrics, movie clips, memories. She's somewhat of a mute. She also loves to mimic ( roleplay ). Then the Dominant likes to whisper and direct -- expressing herself through influencing the others -- the yellow brick road, the yellow stripe down Bluto's back -- she's taunting -- saying "Chicken!!" to her opposition. She's also the one that blurs the words in the book and writes excerpts of current events as she suggests what she suggests to get the interest of the majority to join in her exploit as They Clearly Are as they are expressing it in thoughts... the youth with the yellow brick road, the with the yellow stripe down the back. Popeye was a musical ---

Think of it. Duplicate yourself. Make one part Dominant and another submissive. Each knows every little dirty secret and there are no lies just hard truths. How well could buttons be pushed.. how easy would it be -- to always deny? ( Quite easily one says.. as another purrs over elevated emotions within the denial and another grins with the challenge -- full of FUCK, YES!-- fuccck no. it continues and flows. always. several voices as clear as a family in a room. )

Such tornados of emotions as I spin in it and then become still within the chaos of the eye of my storm - again attempting to focus on the words in my book. Graciously.

I should advise you that my main focus is always to the sides and behind me. My vision isn't my primary sense; My other senses are. If they didn't adapt the way they did, I'd not be here now. I'm always more comfortable seeing without my eyes. I'm also taken as rude for my eyes often dismiss you in conversation, although -- I'm as much a part of it as you are. I'll just focus elsewhere or look away.

I say that because now if you were to see me -- you'd see a person reading a book on a back porch swing. My attention is next door though. There are a few twenty somethings being twenty somethings. Boys. Men. Boys. Excuse the debate in my head. One turns me on more than I like to admit. He's not my type as I find myself locked on his body; his laugh; his hands; his smile; his wit; his personality. He arouses me and I hate that he does.

He makes me feel like I'm in high school to -- when he catches me looking at him and I am his elder!! I hate that. I wish he'd go save the whales!! or something. He's always doing something for some, cause.. or going on and on about the government. And then there's me trying to find peace while he's trying to wage wars. He drives me crazy. and yet. I've masturbated over thoughts of him... especially those hands. I lose thought, with his hands.

There have been several moments where I lost focus and just turned and walked away from him -- usually angrily and dismissive; I was embarrassed and aroused and frustrated because I was - I mean, what the fuck!!! I again told myself I should just move. Yet I like watching him... and daydreaming of doing things to him.. whatever I want to -- of frustrating him, how I am. With no relief. He is so delicious. ... BOYS! Boy? Did they all leave? nope. 2 are left.

I decided to go lay out in the sun since I wasn't getting any reading done. I grabbed my lemonade. I'll let the sun warm my skin and sink in as I'll let my thoughts tie him up and do what they will and as they want.... what? .. There's sexual talk between them. Awe they joked about me within it to. Great now I'm imagining him masturbating over me --- yes both of them masturbating over me is a much nicer though. I dismissed the thought of them actually masturbating above me.. I prefer them tortured and alone.

I found myself rolling over though. My jaw on the ground. I didn't move a muscle, scared they heard me roll over in shock. I knew they knew I was outside laying out. I just also knew they knew I had headphones on. ( It's why I ignored them when I heard them shouting over to me earlier ) The headphones just happened to be off my head now; still on, loud enough but not to loud. I could clearly hear them ----- and again. HOLY FUCK!!! I think they are fucking with me. It would be just like him to do that to --- butt that would mean he knew I had buttons he could push and I'm fairly convinced he thinks I don't like him.

I moved to try to view them through the wood planks in the privacy fence. There were bushes on his side so I couldn't see all of them nor could they see me. I could see small pieces of the puzzle though and it fit what I was hearing. One had said a blowjob would be good right about now. They were having beers earlier as they kicked an old hacky sack ball around. I knew they were still drinking, I heard a beer bottle getting set down on cement. That was when I heard my friendly neighbor say he always wondered what giving one would be like.. and a, if your serious -- have at it. And he was... and I was going to orgasm, without one touch. just. oh my Gooodness. Holy fuck.

The story was continuing in my mind as I saw a little of this and a little of that. If I could move, I'd definitely go around to the back to watch the full picture. I couldn't move though. I was restrained by those invisible restraints. I was frozen. As the Dominant was laying a yellow brick road and I had armies of flying monkeys at my bidding. As I painted him in a dress and lifted it and entered into his ass as he sucked that dick.... and I later painted his lips with lipstick.. and grew breasts on his chest --- he was never heard from again. He was blackmailed to follow me into my house and he never left -- she remained though. She could cook now and clean... stay tuned, for part deux. She was going to do, lots and lots of things.

**It'll be the third year she is here with us -- <3
What Brought Me Here Originally/The First Meet
Posted:Jun 10, 2021 10:30 pm
Last Updated:Jan 21, 2022 10:51 am
Over a decade ago --- I first came to this site. It's hard to believe it has been that long -- but it has. My reason for coming here was never to meet anyone for sex; hook ups; meets of any kind. I always attracted that naturally, anywhere and everywhere -- easily. I had other goals at that time. I came here for work purposes. At that time I ran a hotel. It was soft during the week --- and I had a target audience I was figuring out how to connect with.

It was an older hotel, quite unique -- in another state than the state I now live in. This hotel was added onto and added onto -- 4 builds. It had outside rooms and inside rooms. She was a pretty old property. Newer hotels were getting most of the corporate business. I was getting construction workers. I was frustrated with all the stuff they dragged in to.. hallways, what a mess.

Long story short I basically word of mouth told people of a swing dancing rate I discovered "this hotel" had. It was my hotel. It worked. I set the rate based on occupancy levels. It made them the place to go --- still today from what I hear..

I can remember the Sales Manager looking at the people asking for that rate and looking at me raising his eyebrow... Women tended to dress really sexy. "Those dancers, I swear.. " is what I'd say laughing as I went back to my office. He came in and sat down a couple weeks later -- "They are not dancers.. " I smiled and looked at him. "They'll tell you they are, otherwise no good rate. Randy -- just call them swingers. " He said, "I KNEW IT!" and off we went to sit in the bar for the rest of the day ---- I got a lot of work done there. It turned into my new place to go to work. ( Less interruptions' )

Yet on the site -- I had to write a profile. I had to get the word out. I had to spend time there. So, I came to the blogs and I wrote. My original name was MysteriesofMe. I'd write -- experiences. I'd write fantasies. I'd not tell which was which. I'd post bits and pieces of me. I'd flirt. I'd tease. I'd be me -- since "me" basically was work 24/7. I picked a hotel to run with a waterpark and arcade. My daughters loved being there versus home. They are all mid twenties now. They had an Italian restaurant -- they could have whatever they wanted --- play video games -- go swimming -- play in the atrium. They even had bowling, mini golf. They could also have a room if they felt like just watching TV, HBO or Movies. "Can we sleep over, Mom?" they'd beg, all the time. My boss the owner always said -- "WELL OF COURSE YOU CAN." ( It meant I'd not be going home. ) They eventually got bored with it and didn't ask to go anymore.

Before I left that hotel I did use the site for it's proper purpose. There was a business man who's business was within walking distance. He used one of our many conference rooms on a regular basis. He liked debating rates -- a lot. Basically, it was flirting. He'd offer to pay more for it, undressing me with his eyes. It went back and forth. It was delicious business. The man was very attractive and man was there chemistry. Yet --- I wouldn't mix business and pleasure. I wasn't as fun as the rest of the staff was. ( They encouraged it in ways.. I wouldn't of been fired. Yet, I had a reputation in the industry. I didn't want to change that. )

That night though -- we had been drinking and oh was I hot and bothered. He left an open invitation and told me he'd be in his office wrapping up a few things. He hoped I'd stop by. I watched him walk out. That muscular, perfection of a man --- "CHECK!!" I went to my office and paced. I think that was the only time I slammed my door to not be interrupted by my staff. I was trying to calm and just go home. I was on fire. I wanted that business man. BAD. There was talk about blowjobs... I could masturbate, take care of myself just fine. I didn't want that though. I wanted to give a blowjob.

I found myself looking at occupancy. I knew what I was doing. I was thinking, "Could I put a room out of order for the night?" I -- at first told myself a cold shower would be nice. Then I remembered the site and thought emails for sure would do the trick. The majority of the time ---- it's a place to be turned off. For me -- anyhow. I just didn't or couldn't fathom how anyone could meet a stranger for sex. It screamed std's to me. IF NOT WORSE. ( over ten years ago )

That's when it happened. "Maybe I should try it and then see what it's about. " the thought. So -- I put up a status of demands. I had asked for someone local -- available within 15 minutes of "hotel". I told them it would be for a blowjob -- without names, numbers, etc. There would be nothing else. They'd show up -- undo their pants... enjoy and then leave. I'd remain dressed. I told them to enclose a photo of their cock -- and I'd pick one from the first ten emails I received.

I sat back expecting crickets. My jaw dropped. I had like 23 at the next refresh. I think I picked the first one I opened. I liked the photo of the cock. PERFECT. I told him he was chosen -- he was to go to the front desk and ask for the key left for him. I told him his name. ( I made it up- whatever it was.. ) I told him he was to take the key then drive around to the south side of hotel -- it was an outside access room. I'd be in the room, waiting.. ( the room would be on the key )

I didn't go to the room. I did step up to the front desk and advise that "so and so" was coming to get a key. To put the room out of order for the night and to make sure housekeeping would clean it in the am. I went back to my office.

My office had video of most of the building... at my desk.

I wasn't sure he'd show. He showed within 15 minutes. I was impressed. I watched him. He was nervous. ( yummy. ) He did as I instructed. They directed him to the room. He thanked them. "Good boy.. " and by then I was standing, smiling and walking out into the hall in back -- to another hall -- to the outside and right into the room.

He came in and I told him to make sure to follow my instructions to the letter or he'd not get what he came for ---- and motioned to zip the lips. I put a pillow on the floor and dropped to my knees. Mmm. It was a great experience. He was in a daze by the time it was over; looking at me like he won the lottery. He looked like a woman in love.

I made myself comfortable in the bed and told him to feel free to take a shower. He looked a tad hot - giggling. He stepped into the restroom. I got up quietly -- out the door. I heard him just come out as I closed the outside door and I thought -- oh crap, not enough time. So I used my Master key and let myself in the neighboring door. I watched him go out into the parking lot and look both ways trying to see where I went. I was quietly pulling and holding the door. It wasn't fully closed, I knew it would make this CLICK sound. Then I looked behind me, praying I didn't walk into an occupied room!!! It was vacant. THANK GOD. It was dark to begin with. No cars.. It could of been rented for all I knew. People could of been sleeping - I didn't have my computer with me to check --- I saw him go back in the room and I quietly let myself back out. I made my way back inside the hotel, into my office. "SAFE." My desk chair was never so comfortable.

I watched him come in and ask if they saw me. The staff asked for my name so they could call the room --- or to see if I checked in. They had no clue who he was talking about. And --- he didn't know my name. He thought and advised it was the one that set up the room. He provided the room number. He asked if a number had been left. They advised the hotel manager set it up. I think I had a little of an oh shit there --- I didn't double check the manager's work. He could of put in that I had requested it.

He didn't. It was in under his name. I had confirmed that before they got in to look. If it was my name, their phone would of rung and they'd of seen it was me. They'd of answered it first. ( I trained the staff. )

He advised them not to worry and left the lobby. He went back to the room. I wondered what I'd do if he stayed in the room --- he went back in but hadn't of left yet. So I did some work and told myself he had until I was done --- or I'd have my assistant go see him out. He was done by then though -- he took a shower. He left. He emailed a couple of times --- I didn't respond, until the third. I reminded him of the conditions of our agreement. There would be no more.

There wouldn't be drinks with that business man, either.

I still occasionally write: "TALES FROM THE CLIT" -- on occasion. Or Fantasies. I'll pretty much tell which is which now. Not always ---

Yet I have found -- the easiest way to have a fantasy experience, ladies --- is to write what you want. MAN -- will fulfill it. We aren't talking life relationships/marriage/goals here though --- but --- sometimes that just happens.

the joy stick
Posted:Jun 9, 2021 9:13 am
Last Updated:Jan 25, 2022 10:57 am

Getting to know you
Getting to know all about you..

images of weaving rope around your body
Getting to like you
Getting to hope you like me..

images of hands
hands full
of liquid; you
images of eyes
as they look playfully at yours
yours; all serious
by deep breaths
subsiding to calm
as my hands slow down
to a stop
your eyes
dropped down
and rose up
and rose up
with breathing
my body
your eyes
are almost
with please
for more
of the rollercoaster
that emotional build
that rise to the top
that oh please
don't let it drop, back
that want
for the climax
the coast down
full of wind through the hair
the rush
the trembling rush
as rollercoasters
become logs on water
and that final splash comes
and you lay drenched
in a puddle
of yes
and Yum

I never rush
for the ride to be done
I like the extreme
seeing how many licks
it can take
to get to the center
of the tootsies- pop

I like getting there
and getting there
like a game of how close can you get
before you touch
before --- it becomes. unstoppable
how my body will tremble and shake
how my orgasms will quake
and roll and wave

My Ocean Orgasm
is what I desire

Defined: an orgasm that hits in waves, long after actions have stopped

After it---
I'll make my way to the shower
and with the waters touch
flowing over my clit
I squirt; another orgasm
it's intoxicating
No words
Posted:Jun 8, 2021 1:54 pm
Last Updated:Jan 25, 2022 11:03 am

Paint me
with a rose
a Soft
Fruity not Flowery

Play -- -- --
Loves me
Loves me Knots
with every petal
use invisible strings

every curve
and let my thoughts, linger
and want
all sorts
of things

Make me all nice
WET - and warm

Massage my brain
with your actions

In return,
I promise
a reaction.
It's inevitable
and touch
I moan

I don't even need you here
It happens, as good; alone
as I hold thoughts; of you
of directions;
given -
and taken!

I smell coconut
I hear liquid
not fools gold
or Texas tea;
it's more electric
until it rains
amongst laughter
and rhythm

you don't need words
if its a dance you know
you are already there

now it reminds me
of the the tango
shall we dance?
oh yes we shall
1 comment
Posted:Jun 2, 2021 6:15 pm
Last Updated:Jun 21, 2021 7:01 pm

"Every wicked thought I had of him clung like the dark whimpers lingering on our bed sheets. I couldn't get enough of them, and neither could the walls watching on with glazed eyes." Ann Marie Eleazer

1 comment
Chewing on Taboo ( Tales From the Clit )
Posted:May 30, 2021 2:05 pm
Last Updated:May 30, 2021 3:41 pm

I found myself chewing on a subject like I did in my early twenties. It was somewhat delightful and arousing put myself in those shoes. That's when the subject did a U-Turn. I found myself wondering if this is why Taboo-ish things arouse .

Back in my twenties I was working as a night auditor at a hotel. I was pretty prudish. I almost thru my first husband out for bringing a porn magazine in my house. Seriously.

I found myself restrained by a situation. In invisible chains. See this young girl kept propping the outside door open and letting various men in. She had activity all night long. Then this group of gang bangers would come with fast food. Bags and bags of fast food. They'd give the girl a burger and take the rest upstairs. She'd stay in the lobby and pick apart that burger - savoring every piece of it and making it last as long as she could. She'd help herself to the condiments from the breakfast bar to add to it. Jelly on the buns..

I had a whole lot of emotions. Anger -- the bangers had bags of food for themselves.. she had track marks on her arms..

The situation went on and on. Police had them under surveillance.

I did as advised but I made it no secret what I thought of the pimps. I made their lives as difficult as I could by doing my job. One actually looked at the employees of the month display behind me and my name tag and grinned those metal teeth at me. ( Yes, he had my last name now. Well my last name, I had a different last name. I got married. ) He even followed me home a few times -- or tried . I lost them every time.

Yet I chewed on what it was like be in her shoes. I even spent the night writing a fantasy that was inspired by her. I wrote of the situation and them all being arrested as they finally were. I wrote of going up look at the room, which I did. I wrote of what I saw and that there was a man that came the room while I was in it. The story went from there. My curiosity's played along with her role so I could find out what I could and then my anger came out as I flipped the script and used blackmail to make him my . I got so carried away I almost didn't get breakfast out on time for the guests. Laughs

It was one of my first sexual fantasies. The one that got me to role play it. A few times. Once with a friend/lover. It just wasn't close to the situation. Then with a fan of mine here... I had absolutely no interest in him.. I had absolutely no attraction to him.. he though was very smitten and very into me. So I decided to go to the darkside and take a midnight swim.

I advised him that I was moving. I wasn't. I told him the contract. He could come over, meat me. That would be that though. Nothing more. I told him that I did not feel the same for him. I told him I'd be with him physically but after that all conversations would be over. There was no staying in touch cyberly after. There would be no phone calls. He agreed. He even urged me to reach out if I ever changed my mind. I reaffirmed I wouldn't change my mind.

When he came over, again, zero attraction. He wasn't ugly or overweight. He was a nice guy. A guy struggling financially, divorced; a father. He was older than me. I was much older at this time versus my age at the hotel. I'd say it was even half a decade after I first explored this with a friend. My friend had brought me things as payment. I had requested a tie from the friends I explored it with. I explored it with lovers and this man. I still like receive them. ( What guy doesn't have one he doesn't like or wear anymore. I intend make a quilt of them one day. keep warm in my golden .. )

I invited him in. The man was shaking. He couldn't talk barely. His mind was blown that he was even there. I found myself aroused by that. I recall, undoing my top slowly as I said: "You won't mind if I do this then.. "

I found myself considering the man may have a heart attac. so I calmed him. There really was no calming him.. so I told him to touch me until his hands stopped shaking.. to my surprise he reached out and massaged my breasts. I closed me eyes and chewed on taboo.

I eventually asked him if his dick was hard. I had concerns he'd be to nervous. He was quick with a, "Yes Ma'am". I responded with a "Show me." I stepped back loving his nervousness. I enjoyed that all over the place. I even got rough a few times, slapped him.

I took him to my bedroom. He undressed. I cringed. The man wore his house keys around his neck, he'd lose them if he didn't. It wasn't like one key -- it was like -- a big set of keys. He was frail chested. He's lucky he looked like he showered -- otherwise, he would of been taking one. ( Probably forcefully )

I told him to put the condom on. To date, I have never put one on, myself. I enjoy watching a man do it. It's like saying, please, to me.

I told him he could keep the keys on his nec I really hated them but it was all about the experience. I wanted hate it. I found myself enjoying controlling him with words. "Is that all you got?" "Harder." "HARDER." At one point I flipped him his back and got on top and got rough. I even took him in my ass. Gripped him nice and tight to and pulled trying to keep him in. Oh how he loved that.. such a rebel yell.

I didn't orgasm though. Until after he left. He kept looking at like he saw a unicorn. He did email. I didn't respond. Finally after a few he ended it with a poem he wrote about that day. He called it the sunset. It was a beautiful poem.
The emotions fit the fantasy I had all those though.

I found myself in another story chewing, today. Perhaps I should write that too.

Yet I found myself chewing on if this could be why tabooish things turn on.

I found myself wondering if my traumatic experience as a youth brought this about too. To make okay with it. Or if others words over the colored it. They saw it as a one night stand. Ignorance. Sure the event was a one time thing but the cat and mouse was a ten year thing. Before and After. It started at 6.

Okay here we go going dark again. I was painting a one night stand for them experience... hmmmmm... any masochists want explore that one??? giggling
The Playhouses Treehouse
Posted:May 29, 2021 1:36 pm
Last Updated:Jun 1, 2021 8:56 am

The Playhouse is the name for our home. We decided that instead of putting thousands into vacations; we'd put it in our home and make it -- the vacation. We intend to make rooms, theme rooms. It's been in process for many years now. Some rooms exist. Some rooms change. It seems to always fluctuate, like us.

There are inside rooms. There are outside rooms. We work towards the end product and shifts have happened. Another, recently, each time it happens such excitement that the end is getting closer. Friends help. Friends can use the playhouse they help with.

Lately another realization has . Our home sometimes accommodates my roots and their roots. It puts this halt on our plans. It restrains us. So, it has entered a need into the plans. So they've adapted.

I know see a path. It started with a drive to the house. An area very city -- a driveway -- of the car now, heading to the back 40 as we it. It's this magical place where the city disappears and the woods become reality. Natures silence accommodated by animals scampering. A breeze comes up the ravine and the city just washes away. The smell of honeysuckle and lilacs help.

My eyes open to see the future fence of the Prayer Garden/Pet Cemetery/Chessboard. Now in the corner, something new exists. We had plans for a greenhouse/massage room/winter storage. Either it moved or another build is in play. It's a faux treehouse. It's raised so you can store it or have a swing or a bed swing it.

There's a step like ladder leading up to it. It's the perfect line between the two. You can walk up like stairs but it looks more like a ladder. The many windows pop so fresh air can come in. Screens seemed stapled underneath the window to try to minimize bugs. Along the inside curtain poles are hung for privacy.

The ceiling you can see through. You can lay in the bed and watch the leaves or the rain. I love the rain. Storms especially --- oh to make love and spend intimate moments -- there.

The inside is adaptable. A bed. A table and chairs for games. A nook for reading and knowing the other two --- suspension and restraint possibilities. Definitely a place for quality time.

And now I see them using it when they visit. ***cries. ***laughs

I suppose that's what happens when you make your home a vacation.

It'll be called the sex room -- just watch. Where anyone here goes to get away and have sex.
1 comment
A game within a game
Posted:May 27, 2021 12:04 pm
Last Updated:Jun 5, 2021 3:39 pm

Today we are meeting friends and going disc golf. Now new to the sport so currently to make fun for , I create a new game go along with the game. It's called: Princess's Rules.

Todays rules to win the necklace I made to win.

From the time the first disc is thrown until the last disc is thrown --
Whoever takes the most naughty photos wins.

Naughty doesn't need to be naked.
Naked is naughty though ---

It is always crowded at the time and place we are going.
It'll make it challenging.
You'll want to be stealthy as possible so you can win. If others see you taking pictures they'll be reminded to...

If you aren't ready to throw, I will have to add a new rule that penalizes .

Today's necklace I'll post later. I chose the belt necklace I made. I figured what better than a mans belt buckle, restrained... in chain.

The winner can enter it into another game of naughty disc golf or keep it forever... They just must show everyone before the game starts to let the others know it is up for grabs again.

Song of Post: "One More Night: by Maroon 5"

Update: I won -- but I gave the prize to the shy one who didn't take any photos. Told her if she brought it to any game we in the future we can do again.

More photos from this day.



She said we were going to the woods to be naughty.

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